Tutor's Link is an independent tutoring company serving all ages and all subjects. We ONLY employ certified teachers with degrees ranging from bachelors to doctorates! All of our tutors are highly qualified teachers working in surrounding school systems. We provide private tutoring in all subject areas, as well as foreign languages, enrichment/special needs, and art/music education. And all tutoring is done in the comfort of our clients' homes. Our goal is to LINK students with success. We strive to make a perfect match between teacher and student.
Tutor's Link continues to grow. There are amazing teachers throughout the country that have so much knowledge to offer - more knowledge than can be contained within a classroom! We want to offer these services on a greater scale nationally.
I am asking you to email our website to 10 people, those who may eventually need personalized tutoring for themselves or their children. We have a tutor for every subject, every grade, and soon, every city!! Forward this letter along with our website www.tutorslink123.com to just 10 friends.
Have a conversation about our company! Discuss how challenging academics have become, how hard it is to find a great teacher, and how nice it would be for your child to receive 1-on-1 attention beyond the classroom. Have confidence giving our name to a friend… or 10 friends.
It is a belief that “Small businesses are the fabric of America.” Tutor’s Link is a small business that you can believe in!
Thank you for all your recommendations. I look forward to your payday!
Stephanie Petriello
Founder/Literacy Specialist
Tutor's Link
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