Tutor's Link Rockin' POP-UP Geology Event - Kindergarten+
Our first EVER "Pop-Up" event is coming to Tutor's Link. 3 separate ways to ROCK into the study of Geology. Join one day or ALL three.
Exploration (kids' event) - Thursday, June 9, 5:30-7:30 pm - Dive into the world of geology through the lens of a magnifying glass. Rock hunting and predictions will lead us into mineral testing and collecting.
Experience (family event) - Sunday, June 12, 10:30 am - Join us at The Sterling Hill Mining Museum, 30 Plant Street, Ogdensburg, New Jersey, for a private tour of the mines and museum visit. (Transportation not included. The whole family is welcome and can stay all day).
Extension (kids' event) - Friday, June 17, 5:30-7:30 pm - Come back to Tutor's Link for another Rockin' evening of panning and geode discovery.